Experts Share Groundbreaking Protocols To Heal Autoimmune Disease:

The Secrets Hidden In Your Gut

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(Normally $297)
Get Top 18 Gut-Healing Remedies and Top 20 Foods to Help Heal Autoimmune Disease
From the Creators Who Brought You The Gut Solution
From the Creators Who Brought You The Gut Solution
Our experts have been featured in:

The Autoimmune-Gut Axis Uncovered

Top Experts Reveal Their Most Powerful Healing Secrets

For years, the world's leading microbiome researchers and functional medicine pioneers have been quietly unraveling the connections between gut health, chronic inflammation, and autoimmune disease - and achieving remarkable results with their most challenging patients.

Now, for the first time ever, they're coming together to pull back the curtain and reveal the groundbreaking discoveries and clinical protocols they've been using to help people overcome their autoimmune conditions and reclaim their lives.

In The Gut-Autoimmune Solution you’ll discover the exact protocols to heal your gut and help prevent and reverse autoimmune disease – no matter your age.

Thirty world-leading experts in gut health, autoimmunity, and functional medicine will reveal the cutting-edge science behind the gut-autoimmune connection, and provide you with the practical tools and strategies you need to start your own healing journey, right now.

Whether you’re struggling with mysterious symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, or achy joints, or have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition like rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or lupus, this series is for you.

The Gut-Autoimmune Solution is available to watch for free for a limited time only (normally $297). Don’t miss out on what could be the biggest health breakthrough of your life – register today.

Get the Right Information From Our 30 Experts, Doctors, Researchers, and Master Speakers

It’s unlikely you’ll hear this information from your local doctor!
Dr. Aimie Apigian
Preventive Medicine Physician
Dr. Ann Shippy
Dr. Brooke Goldner
Physician, Bestselling Author
Dr. Catherine Clinton
Naturopathic Physician, Researcher, Author
Dr. Christina Miller
Emergency & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Dr. Cyrus Khambatta
Nutritionist, Bestselling Author
Dr. Daryl Gioffre
Chiropractic Physician, Bestselling Author
Dr. David Perlmutter
Neurologist, 6x NYT Bestselling Author
Dr. Elena Ivanina
Gastroenterologist, MPH
Dr. Emeran Mayer
Professor, Gastroenterologist, Neuroscientist, Author
Dr. Felice Gersh
OB-GYN & Integrative Medical Doctor
Dr. Heather Moday
Internist, Immunologist, Author
Dr. Ilana Gurevich
Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Jason Hawrelak
Naturopathic Physician, Researcher
Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Family Physician, 7x NYT Bestselling Author
Dr. Joseph Pizzorno
Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Founding President of Bastyr Univeristy
Kiran Krishnan
Research Microbiologist
Dr. Liz Lipski
Professor, Clinical Nutritionist
Dr. Maya Shetreat
Pediatric Neurologist, Herbalist
Dr. Nirala Jacobi
Naturopathic Doctor
Ocean Robbins
Health Researcher, Author
Dr. Olivia Joseph
Clinical Nutritionist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Peter Bongiorno
Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Textbook Author
Dr. Peter Kan
Board-Certified Chriropractic Neurologist
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Chiropractic & Nutritional Endocrinology Doctor, Author
Robyn Lawley
Lupus Survivor, Model, Author
Dr. Ron Weiss
Board-Certified Internist
Dr. Uma Naidoo
Harvard Nutritional Psychiatrist, Author
Dr. Wendy Romig
Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Herbalist
Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
Internist, Gastroenterologist, NYT Bestselling Author

What People Say About Our Masterclasses

Your BONUS When You Register Today

Top 18 Gut-Healing Remedies for Autoimmunity (Valued at $18)
Discover the Surprising Link Between Gut Health and Autoimmune Disease
Did you know that a whopping 90% of all modern health problems can be traced back to an irritated and inflamed gut? This ebook unveils the critical connection between your microbiome and your immune system, and how healing your gut is the key to overcoming autoimmunity.
18 Powerful, Science-Backed Remedies for Optimal Gut Health
Whether you're struggling with bloating, constipation, food sensitivities, or a diagnosed autoimmune condition, this ebook has you covered. You'll discover:
  • How a slippery plant, known as the "plant of immortality" in ancient Egypt, can help soothe and heal the digestive tract
  • Which favorite herb of Queen Elizabeth I can help protect the stomach lining and reduce inflammation
  • How a particular amino acid can help repair leaky gut AND reduce cravings for sugar and alcohol
  • How a molecule found in apples and onions, can help heal leaky gut and reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies - and why it's known as "Nature's Benadryl"
  • And so much more
The Top 20 Foods You Can Find in Your Pantry to Help Prevent and Reverse Autoimmune Disease (Valued at $18)
What if the key to overcoming autoimmune disease was as close as your kitchen cupboard? This eye-opening guide reveals:
  • The one golden spice that rivals NSAIDs for pain relief (without the side effects)
  • The "queen of greens" packed with glucosinolates to sweep away inflammatory debris
  • The anti-inflammatory berry that protects your brain from autoimmune "brain fog"
  • The fermented food that strengthens your gut barrier by promoting mucin production
  • And much more

Two Ebooks, Instantly Delivered to Your Inbox

Don't wait another day to start your gut-healing journey. Gain immediate access to these game-changing ebooks in PDF format, and start implementing these powerful remedies right away - even before the docuseries begins.

Watch The Free Screening February 17th - 24th, 2025

Episode 1

The Gut-Autoimmune Connection & The Secret to Beating Inflammation

  • The real reason autoimmune rates are skyrocketing — and the simple, natural solution that could help you beat the odds.
  • From Klebsiella to Prevotella: Meet the bacterial culprits linked to rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, and more. Are they lurking in your gut?
  • The #1 most important factor for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome (hint: it's not what you're eating, but what you're not).
  • How a model went from multiple strokes and seizures to complete remission from lupus (and the simple change that made all the difference)?
  • The unexpected fruit that could be your secret weapon against autoimmune symptoms (and how to get more of it in your diet).

Episode 2

The Anti-inflammatory Microbiome: Top Foods & Supplements for a Healthy Gut

  • Discover the hidden world inside you that holds the key to your health (and how your everyday habits are secretly destroying it).
  • Why your birth method could be setting the stage for autoimmune issues (and what to do if you're affected)?
  • How a single course of antibiotics can disrupt your gut for up to 2 years — and what to do about it?
  • The "picky eaters" in your gut that could hold the key to conquering autoimmune issues for good.
  • Learn how certain fatty microbial byproducts could be your body's most powerful anti-inflammatory weapon.

Episode 3

Heal the Gut Lining, Strengthen Your Autoimmune Shield

  • The hidden cause of autoimmune disease that your doctor may be missing (and how to fix it fast).
  • How a "leaky gut" can set off a cascade of inflammation and immune dysregulation — is this the missing piece in your health puzzle?
  • From eczema to brain fog: the unexpected symptoms that could be a red flag for leaky gut syndrome.
  • The "master amino acid" that can seal and heal your gut lining — are you getting enough?
  • From kiwis to carrots: the surprising foods that could help you repair a leaky gut.

Episode 4

Calming the Fire Within: Natural Remedies for Chronic Inflammation

  • From brain fog to joint pain: the unexpected signs that chronic inflammation is wreaking havoc on your body.
  • The "two-faced" nature of inflammation — when is it helpful and when is it harmful?
  • Why your probiotic supplement could be doing more harm than good (and what to look for instead)?
  • Think all fats are bad? The type of fat that's essential for taming inflammation and autoimmunity.
  • How a former lupus patient went from "death sentence" to vibrant health — her story will inspire you!

Episode 5

Leaky Colon: The Hidden Culprit Behind Your Inflammation

  • Is your colon leaking? Discover the surprising link between bowel health and autoimmune flares.
  • Why "perfect poops" are critical for optimal health (and how to achieve them)?
  • A simple, at-home strategy to assess your bowel health (and why it's a must-do for anyone with autoimmunity).
  • The critical mineral deficiency linked to constipation, anxiety and autoimmune flares (and how to fix it).
  • The humble food that feeds your "good guy" gut bugs and helps calm inflammation.

Episode 6

The Toxin Trap: Freeing Your Body from Autoimmune Triggers

  • The counterintuitive reason why detoxing could actually make you sicker (and how to do it safely).
  • The silent epidemic that affects over 50% of homes (and the unusual symptoms to watch for).
  • One doctor's harrowing battle with toxic mold exposure (and how it changed his approach to treating chronic illness).
  • The subtle signs your body is crying out for a detox (that have nothing to do with digestion).
  • A step-by-step guide to preparing your organs of elimination for safe and effective detoxification.

Episode 7

Anti-inflammatory Solutions for Your Vagus Nerve

  • Vagus nerve 101: Everything you need to know about this critical nerve and its role in autoimmune health.
  • What your heartbeat reveals about your stress levels and vagal tone?
  • How a single traumatic event can alter your immune system for years to come (and what to do about it)?
  • The ancient herbal remedies that can help your body adapt to stress and restore immune balance.
  • From breathing exercises to gargling, discover practical ways to tone your vagus nerve at home.

Episode 8

Food Pharmacy Exposed: The Powerful Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen

  • Why the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet could be doing more harm than good (and what to eat instead for lasting gut health)?
  • The "X factor" nutrient in leafy greens that can help regulate a wayward immune system.
  • The "rainbow rule" that could be the key to calming inflammation and autoimmune flare-ups.
  • How a model used the power of green smoothies to reverse her crippling autoimmune disease?
  • Why there's no one-size-fits-all approach to autoimmune eating (and how to find what works for you)?

BONUS Episode 9

The Autoimmune Kitchen: Strategies for Navigating Food Sensitivities

  • Discover how undiagnosed food sensitivities could be sabotaging your autoimmune health.
  • From brain fog to joint pain, digestive distress to skin rashes: Finally decode the cryptic clues your body is sending about your food sensitivities.
  • Is your healthy diet actually hurting you? Learn which "good-for-you" foods may be silently stoking the flames of inflammation.
  • Gluten-free isn't always autoimmune-friendly: Find out which gluten-free staples could be disrupting your gut microbiome and preventing healing.
  • Uncover how stress might be amplifying your food reactions (and how to combat it).

BONUS Episode 10

Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Fatigue and Pain in Autoimmune Conditions

  • Uncover the hidden causes of autoimmune-related exhaustion (and how to fight back).
  • How fighting inflammation is the key to easing chronic pain — and the best natural remedies to soothe your symptoms starting today?
  • Worried about the risks of OTC pain meds? Discover the natural anti-inflammatory botanicals that can work as well (without the scary side effects).
  • Discover the ancient culinary staple that's become a modern autoimmune superfood.
  • "I went from being exhausted just walking to the kitchen to hiking again." Hear the real-life results of these energy & pain solutions.

BONUS Episode 11

Pathogen Panic: Are Invisible Bugs Triggering Your Autoimmune Response?

  • Discover the sneaky infections secretly fueling your autoimmune misery (and how to root them out).
  • Learn how to identify signs of hidden chronic infections that could be driving inflammation.
  • Nature's stealthy immune-boosters hiding in plain sight: The untold power of humble mushrooms and onions.
  • Uncover the nightly ritual that could be your autoimmune system's reset button.
  • Discover how to choose the highest-quality, most potent medicinal mushrooms for maximum therapeutic impact.
At Goodness Lover, we believe that a healthy gut is the foundation for a vibrant and energized life. As such, we're committed to providing actionable, research-driven, and engaging educational courses that empower you to unlock the power of your gut microbiome and achieve your healthiest self. We're proud to collaborate with world-renowned doctors and educators to deliver accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information to guide you on your wellness journey. To date, over 1.3 million people have engaged with our live educational events.

Sarah Otto


Sarah is the producer and host of The Gut-Autoimmune Solution. She was motivated to create this groundbreaking series after she overcame her own struggles with autoimmune disease and chronic fatigue by restoring her gut. She is passionate about sharing the little-known tools that heal guts and change lives.

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